Reverse Pec Deck Alternatives

Any muscle-building workout has to include back and shoulder exercises. The back is your body’s powerhouse and a fundamental muscle group to work out.

The rear delts on the other hand is a muscle that regularly gets neglected and this is why you must include other isolation exercises to ensure the proper form, activation, and full development.

The reverse pec deck is a great isolation tool but it also has its own limitations. Therefore, the need for alternative exercises is needed if the reverse pec deck machine is not an option for you.

What Is Reverse Pec Deck Exercise?

The reverse pec deck is a weight machine exercise that strengthens the back muscles but enhances the rear delts. If you are looking to have bulkier shoulders, this is an important exercise to include in your workouts. How to do this exercise:

  • Adjust the seat so that when you sit, your elbows rest comfortably on the pads of the handles.
  • Grasp each handle with your palms facing down (pronated grip). Pull your shoulder blades together and down as you curl your arms toward one another until they extend in your back.
  • Hold for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position.

Top Benefits of Muscles Reverse Pec Deck Exercise

The reverse pec deck exercise is one of the most beneficial exercises you can perform to build your shoulder muscles. This exercise is often executed while sitting, and it helps you target your rear deltoids. Here are some of the top benefits of performing the reverse pec deck exercise

Developing Bigger, Healthier, and Balanced Shoulders

This exercise works out your shoulders and makes your arms appear much bigger. That is because it builds up the muscles at the back of your shoulders and the back of your arms.

Giving Shoulders 3D Look

You can give your shoulders a three-dimensional structure by doing a reverse pec deck exercise. This happens because regularly only the front and side delts get worked out. By adding rear delt exercise you build a rounder shoulder with that 3d look.

After doing this exercise regularly for a few weeks or months, you will notice that your shoulder area looks more defined than before.

Improving Posture

This exercise helps build up your scapular stabilizers, including the rhomboids and trapezius muscles. These muscles improve your posture and provide stability during overhead pressing movements.

Developing Stabilizer Muscles for Core Strength

As mentioned earlier, this exercise helps build up stabilizer muscles, which improves core strength and stabilizes the spine.

By performing this particular exercise, you improve your entire body’s strength.

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Reverse Pec Deck Alternatives

Here are some of the best reverse pec deck alternatives.

Rope Face Pull

This exercise is the most similar that mimics the reverse pec deck and at the same time the one that will probably provide the best results. How to do it:

  • Grab the rope with an externally rotated grip
  • Keep a tight core, your back straight, and activate your glutes.
  • Pull back and make a rear double biceps pose.
  • Hold for a second and then return to the original position.

Single-Arm Dumbbell Row With Rotation

The One-Arm Row is a strength training exercise designed to target your back and arm muscles. Here is how to do it:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Hold a dumbbell in one hand and rest it on your shoulder
  • Squeeze your shoulder blade back and down
  • Rotate wrist on pulling motion
  • Rise to the starting position, squeezing your shoulder blade back
  • Repeat on the other side

Bodyweight Row

Bodyweight Rows are a great way to build your back without using a machine. They also allow you to work your biceps, core, and forearms simultaneously. Here’s how you do it.

  • Stand under a pull-up bar.
  • Grip the bar with an overhand grip, and keep your feet on the floor.
  • Pull your body up towards the bar until it is about chest height. Hold for 1 second before lowering your body back down again.
  • Repeat for 10-15 reps.

Banded Supine Row

The banded supine row is an excellent alternative for those with limited mobility in their shoulders, elbows, or wrists.

How to do it:

  • To perform the exercise, you will need an exercise band. Loop it through itself to form a circle and secure it around a sturdy object at chest height, such as a pole or a heavy piece of equipment.
  • Face away from the object holding the band and grasp an end of the band in each hand, with your palms facing down.
  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you to parallel to your torso and perpendicular to the floor. This is your starting position.
  • Pull your shoulder blades back together behind you and bend your elbows to row your hands toward the sides of your torso while keeping them close to your body throughout the movement.
  • Pause when your hands reach shoulder level, then slowly return to the starting position as you inhale.

Wrapping Up

There are several other rear delt exercises that you can do instead, in addition to the reverse pec deck. Many trainers consider these additional exercises to be just as effective and valuable. Make sure to try them all and decide which ones benefit the most to your specific needs.

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