Kettlebell Swings Everyday: The Fitness King

The kettlebell is a revolutionary exercise piece that has made working out easier, accessible, and downright more fun and challenging.

The workout itself has gained a cult following, especially for individuals who don’t find the joy in doing a full workout with multiple machines and equipment.

Different adaptations have been made when it comes to using the kettlebell, and all of these have brought about a lot of positive effects on the physique and overall physical fitness.

Let’s look into these benefits and more information about why doing kettlebell swings everyday has helped a lot of people with their physical fitness.

Benefits Of Doing Kettlebell Swings Everyday.

Kettlebell Swing Benefits
  • Accessible full-body workout

With one single motion, you are already targeting a lot of large muscle groups, specifically the posterior chain or more commonly known as the back side of the body. You are activating muscles that run from your hamstrings to your glutes, up to your chest when you raise the ball, and in effect your traps and deltoids.

  • Increased cardiovascular capacity

Since it is a whole body workout that simultaneously activates different muscle groups in one motion, your heart will be pumping more and more as you progress through your time or reps and sets.

  • Burns a large number of calories

Kettlebell swings are a great workout for individuals whose goal is to lose weight or burn fat. The workout itself is High-intensity even if you don’t perform it in the HIIT format. Your body will also be in a state of faster metabolism post kettlebell workout due to the increased oxygen intake that supports your body’s recovery.

  • Convenient workout

One piece of workout equipment with just one motion, that is all you need to have and do. The kettlebell has made it convenient for people to exercise, no need for a large weights rack, with just one kettlebell you are already doing more than you would need in the gym.

  • Improved balance and flexibility

Activating the posterior chain at that rate and capacity will over time build your muscles that help keep your body balanced and straight up. And in effect helps improve your flexibility

Kettlebell Swing Workout Options

Workout Plan

There are two popular approaches when it comes to working out with a kettlebell.

1. Sets And Reps Routine

Sets and Reps

For the reps and sets, it is suggested for athletes, physically fit people, or gym goers to do 100 swings in as few sets as possible.

This is because of their higher cardiovascular capacity and muscle endurance. Accomplishing 100 swings in fewer sets is also a great way to push your muscles to exceed their capacity and ultimately perform the task into failure, which means you are reaching your muscle endurance’s ceiling point.

The 100 swings can be broken down into 10 to 25 sets for beginners, novice gym goers, and sedentary individuals. The rest in between sets should be around 45 seconds or less, this is also to push their baseline cardiovascular capacity and muscle endurance. This will also help beginners have their bodies introduced to the load that a kettlebell has on them, minimizing the possible adverse effects of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) can have on the physiological aspect of beginners.

Additionally, for both beginners and experienced individuals, the 100 swings can be broken down within the day, still applying the recommended number of sets depending on the person’s capacity and experience. Although, this would not totally merit the same cardiovascular and muscle growth benefits.

2. HIIT Routine

HIIT Kettlebell Workout Routine

You can also do a HIIT approach to using the Kettlebell. It is suggested to do 30-40 seconds for 5-10 repetitions with 15 seconds or less rest in between. This is great for people who are looking into interval training and would want to push their cardiovascular capacity to their max.

For beginners, it’s up to you on how many swings you are able to do in the set of 30-40 seconds, your number of swings will gradually increase as you go on doing the workout preferably in 2-4 weeks depending on your baseline health-related parameters.

Final Thoughts

The kettlebell is a great introduction for fitness first-timers and even elite athletes. It’s easy, quick, and accessible that you can even do it in a small space at work, at home, at school, or even outside.

Give it a go and start swinging your way into fitness!

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