How To Stay In Keto At Subway

If you are struggling to find keto options at your favorite fast-food restaurants, stop worrying because we did a little research and found the best subway keto options!

How did we do the analysis?

We downloaded this menu from subway´s webpage and did a little tabulation to calculate the macros percentage (to see which options are 70% Fat, 20% Protein, and 10% Carbs)

Remember that this split in macros is the number recommended to stay in ketosis, but it may vary from person to person.

Notice that the table is from Canada, so your local options may vary.

What Are The Safe Subway Keto Options?

From our analysis, we have 3 safe options available (all salads).

Subway Keto Salads

Salad OtherCold Cut Combo26067%14%19%11
Salad OtherPizza Sub Melt26067%16%17%10
Salad OtherTuna31070%17%13%9
Subway Keto Salads
Cold Cut Combo
Cold Cut Combo
Pizza Sub Melt
Pizza Sub Melt
Tuna Salad
Tuna Salad

If you notice, none of these options have the exact 70/20/10 split, but we could argue they are safe options that will keep you in ketosis.

At the same time, these numbers are without dressings, so if you want to make sure you are even safer, check the macro split for these 3 salad dressings.

Subway Keto Dressings

Salad DressingChipotle Southwest13094%0%6%2
Salad DressingHouse Sandwich Sauce15094%0%6%2
Salad DressingRanch15094%0%6%2
Subway Keto Dressings

These salad dressings have an excellent macro split for a keto diet and will help you stay In ketosis when adding them to your salads.

So what do we get as a result of salad + dressing?

Salad + Dressing (Ranch) – Keto

Salad OtherCold Cut Combo39077%9%14%13
Salad OtherPizza Sub Melt41077%10%13%12
Salad OtherTuna46078%12%11%11

So from all the available options, these would probably be the safest options to stay in ketosis.

How To Get Keto-Friendly Options At Subway?

The challenge in subway is definitely getting around the bread.

All bread ranged between 30 – 40 grams of net carbs (which is basically the maximum allowed in a day for keto). Besides that, the split for macros is the opposite of a keto macro composition (70% Carb, 15% Protein, 15% Fat)

You could always try and bake your own keto bread. Of course, it won’t taste as good as the bread you are used to, but you could do it temporarily while on a weight-loss diet.

So what did we find?

We have 6 options (3 subs that should be everywhere in the world and 3 subs with regional offers)

6 Inch SubCold Cut Combo40045%15%41%38
6 Inch SubPizza Sub Melt40045%16%40%38
6 Inch SubTuna45050%17%34%36
6 Inch RegionalBBQ Rib47045%16%39%44
6 Inch RegionalBBQ Rib Melt53048%17%35%44
6 Inch RegionalSpicy Italian45048%16%36%37

Yes, we also noticed that the 3 Subs are the same as the salads.

But, we added 3 regional options (hope they are in your region!) for more variety.

So how can we make these subs Keto Friendlier?

1. Add Healthy Options

Add all the veggies you can (cucumbers, peppers (every type), lettuce, onions, olives, spinach, tomatoes, pickles)

2. Add Keto Friendly Options

Check out the macro composition for these ingredients:


Almost all sauces have the same macro composition, chipotle was used only as a reference.

What do you get as a result of adding all these ingredients to your subs?

6 Inch SubCold Cut Combo63049%15%41%38
6 Inch SubPizza Sub Melt63049%16%40%38
6 Inch SubTuna68053%17%34%36
6 Inch RegionalBBQ Rib70049%16%39%44
6 Inch RegionalBBQ Rib Melt76051%17%35%44
6 Inch RegionalSpicy Italian68052%16%36%37

So as you might have noticed, the macro composition is still far away from the ideal keto split.

But remember, this is just 1 meal out of the day. If the rest of your meals are still in the 70,20,10 split, you could achieve a state of ketosis for the whole day.

For this, you would need to add up all your meals’ macro calorie intake, but there is hope you can still have yourself a sub and stay in ketosis.

What To Avoid To Stay In Keto At Subway?

1. Sodas

The first is the most obvious, but drink only water!

Sodas are 100% Carbs!

If you follow all the tips and eat keto-friendly options but decide to get a large coke, you will get kicked (hard) out of ketosis.

2. Low Calorie Options

This is definetely a counterintuitive option, but remember low calorie options are mostly made up of carbs and protein, so in the end they will kick you (light) out of ketosis.

3. Desserts

Even though they are high in fat (not the fat you want), they are high in carbs as well, so they didn’t make a list either, and you should definitely stay away from all desserts.

But don’t worry; you can also learn how to bake your own keto desserts. If you have a sweet tooth, we strongly recommend this recipe book. You will have to invest, but it might save you time and frustration while on the keto diet.

So quick recap, stay away from it.

  • Sodas
  • Low-Calorie Options (for ketosis)
  • Desserts


Taking the time to analyze menu options with their macro composition can save you time in the long run, so you can have meals in places like subway without worrying about going out of ketosis.

Doing a little research and adding some ingredients to your meals (olive oil and avocado, for example) can make a huge difference!

You don’t have to sacrifice your state of ketosis because you don’t have any available options. But we are here to help!

We will do a follow-up to this article for other fast-food chains; make sure to check them out!

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