How To Eat Pizza With Acid Reflux

Eating pizza is one of the best things in life. It’s delicious, filling, and a great way to spend time with friends. But for those who suffer from acid reflux, commonly known as GERD, pizza night can be a nightmare.

What’s supposed to be a quick and easy meal for normal people is not the best dish for those suffering from GERD. However, this should never stop them from munching and enjoying this delicious dish during family meals and snack times.

This article will discuss pizza for GERD patients, the best way to eat pizza with acid reflux, and some tips to help you keep enjoying this delicious dish.

Acid Reflux and Why It’s Uncomfortable

Acid reflux is usually caused by stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus. This is usually caused by a weakened or damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This can cause symptoms such as chest pain, a sour taste in the mouth, and heartburn. Many factors contribute to acid reflux and why it gets worse, including certain foods, alcohol, caffeine, etc.

Acid reflux is not deadly but can be uncomfortable and painful. Luckily, there are some simple steps that you can take to reduce acid reflux symptoms, including eating more alkaline foods and avoiding trigger foods like acidic pizza.

It can be uncomfortable because it makes you feel like food is stuck in your throat, or it can make you feel nauseous and cause vomiting. You can also feel something burning or sour from the refluxing stomach acid in your mouth.

Hence, avoiding certain foods that trigger this condition is best, like pizza. However, we understand that avoiding your favorite food can be hard. So, how can you eat pizza without triggering your acid reflux?

Is Pizza Acidic? – Why Normal Pizza May Cause Acid Reflux

Some might think that normal pizza can be harmless to your acid reflux condition. But it is actually not the case. The problem stems from how the stomach acid flows back into our esophageal tube, causing discomfort and pain.

Pizza is typically made with dough that contains wheat flour or a grain called malted barley. These are both high in gluten, which may cause your LES to weaken, causing acid reflux.

Pizza, in fact, is acidic because its main ingredients have a ph balance below 7. The 4 main components of pizza include the crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings. Of the 4 ingredients, the main reason you have an acidic pizza is the tomato sauce, which has the lowest ph of all.

IngredientspH Level
Cheese5.1 – 6.4
Tomato Sauce4.2 – 4.8
Pizza Dough5.5 – 6.5
Please note that these pH levels are averages and can vary depending on the specific brand, recipe, and preparation methods

So how can you still enjoy pizza without triggering your acid reflux? The key is to choose the right ingredients.

Best Pizza Ingredients for GERD Patients

Best Cheeses In Pizza For Acid Reflux

best cheese for acid reflux

Cheese can cause acid reflux, but no pizza is complete without it. Thus, it is best to choose lower acidity for cheese. You should opt for cheeses like mozzarella, parmesan, ricotta, and other not-too-sour cheeses.

CheeseAverage pH Level
Mozzarella5.1 – 5.9
Cheddar5.1 – 5.4
Parmesan5.9 – 6.4
Provolone5.2 – 5.5
Fontina5.3 – 5.7
Gorgonzola4.9 – 5.4
Ricotta4.9 – 5.4
Please note that these pH levels are averages and can vary depending on the specific brand, recipe, and preparation methods

On the other hand, GERD patients should stay away from cheeses with a very high pH level, like blue cheese. Other types of cheese with a high pH level include cheddar, Swiss cheese, and goat cheese.

Best Sauces In Pizza For Acid Reflux

best pizza sauce for acid reflux

When it comes to tomato sauce, it is also best to choose those that are lower in acidity. You should go for sauces made with fresh tomatoes or those with a higher pH level.

If you are looking for a store-bought sauce, you can check the label to see if it is made with fresh tomatoes or not. You can also ask the pizza shop what kind of sauce they use.

The best gerd-friendly pizza sauces:

  • Alfredo sauce
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Marinara sauce
  • Pesto sauce
SauceAverage pH Level
Alfredo Sauce6.0 – 6.6
Marinara Sauce4.1 – 4.5
Pesto Sauce5.7 – 6.3
Barbecue Sauce3.9 – 4.5
Tomato Sauce4.2 – 4.8
Please note that these pH levels are averages and can vary depending on the specific brand, recipe, and preparation methods

You should avoid tomato sauce made with concentrated tomatoes, which are usually very acidic. In addition, you should also avoid spicy sauces or have many herbs in them.

Best Bread In Pizza For Acid Reflux

best pizza dough for acid reflux

Some people might think it is best to avoid bread when you have acid reflux. But this is not necessarily true. It all depends on what pizza bread you choose for your pizza crust. After all, it’s not a pizza if it doesn’t have a crust, right?

The best type of bread to use for your pizza crust is made with sourdough. This bread has a lower pH level and is less likely to trigger acid reflux. In addition, it is also more digestible than other types of bread.

If you are looking for other options, you can also try whole wheat bread or rye bread. However, they are not as digestible as sourdough bread. These types of bread are also less likely to trigger your GERD.

You should avoid bread made with white flour or a lot of sugar. These types of bread can trigger your acid reflux and worsen your symptoms.

Best Toppings In Pizza For Gerd

best topping for acid reflux

The best-friendly toppings include vegetables like:

  • Artichokes,
  • Olives,
  • Spinach, and
  • Mushrooms.
  • You can also add bits of chicken or turkey to your pizza.

You should avoid toppings that are high in acidity or have a lot of spices, such as garlic and onions. These ingredients can irritate your esophagus and worsen your acid reflux symptoms.

You can choose those low in sodium and fat for cured meats, such as Canadian bacon or turkey. You should avoid ham and pepperoni as they are high in fat and sodium. Shrimps and other seafood are also not recommended since they can be more difficult to digest for people with acid reflux.


In summary, there are several important things that you should keep in mind when choosing the right ingredients for a pizza if you have acid reflux. Monitoring the ingredients on your pizza is important to reduce the symptoms of your GERD and enjoy your meal.

Some key ingredients to look out for include cheeses, sauces, bread, and toppings. By choosing the right types of these ingredients, you can create a delicious pizza safe for people with acid reflux.

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