Best Alcohol For Acid Reflux

Drinking alcohol can be a great pastime activity when you’re with your friends or family.

However, this is not the case for those who suffer from acid reflux and GERD, especially since alcohol can potentially cause heartburn along with a few other symptoms.

Despite this, it doesn’t mean you must abstain from drinking alcohol completely.

People have different reactions to various foods and drinks, so it may still be possible that you can intake some types of alcoholic beverages that won’t trigger any of your symptoms.

Our bodies can usually tolerate small amounts of alcohol. For this reason, you can still experience the luxury of drinking a glass without having to experience acid reflux.

Ultimately, always listen to your body’s needs since every person is different.

How does alcohol trigger acid reflux?

The effect of alcohol on acid reflux and heartburn is still widely debated since there are many reasons why you may trigger symptoms. This is why there’s no definite answer regarding why alcoholic drinks trigger some people’s symptoms compared to others.

Still, most doctors agree that alcohol causes heartburn symptoms like acid reflux and GERD.

Here are some reasons why it may be a trigger:

  • Carbonated drinks such as champagne or beer increase the pressure in the stomach
  • Some alcohols contain plenty of sugar
  • Cold drinks often stay longer in the stomach
  • Alcoholic drinks with small ethanol content can stimulate the secretion of gastric acid
  • People who mix alcohol with soda, energy drinks, or orange juice are at more risk of these symptoms
  • Those who eat fatty food or smoke while drinking are more prone to the trigger acid reflux
  • Alcohol relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. What happens is that when the LES is tight, it prevents stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus.

Apart from what is mentioned above, we also know that drinking or eating anything at least three hours before bedtime can undeniably cause an uncomfortable night of regurgitation and heartburn.

This is the reason why if you opt to go out for drinks, make sure not to overeat at the same time since this will only make things worse.

Related Article: 5 Best Salad Dressings For Acid Reflux

Which alcohols cause acid reflux and heartburn?

Symptoms vary from person to person; therefore, there’s no clear-cut nor accurate recommendation that fits everyone.

However, we can apply some things we know about acid reflux to alleviate symptoms that you can possibly experience.

For those with Gerd, it’s best to avoid drinking beverages with high natural acidity.

These include drinks that are made with plenty of citrus juice, such as:

  • Daiquiris
  • Margaritas

Intaking these will only cause severe reactions. While it’s true that their taste may be tempting to splurge all in one go, you will not like where it brings you after an hour.

It’s also recommended that you stay away from any alcohol that’s made of:

  • Peppermint,
  • Coffee,
  • Chocolate
Peppermint, coffee, chocolate

All of these ingredients are known to be reflux triggers.

Beer, wine, and liqueurs with great amounts of sugar are among the worst drinks for people who suffer from acid reflux symptoms.

If you wish to consume these drinks, you must ensure that you only drink in small amounts to prevent any repercussions later.

Aside from that, you should also avoid high-fat, greasy food since it can only worsen your symptoms.

Best Alcoholic Drinks for those with Acid reflux and GERD

Based on the pH level, drinks with the lowest acidity are the best alcohol options for acid reflux sufferers.

These include:

  • Tequila,
  • Gin,
  • Non-grain vodkas since they are less harsh on your stomach.
Tequila, Gin, Vodka

It’s also better if you’re served with a drink made with light juice such as cranberry, apple, or pear.

If you don’t want to skimp on your beverage’s flavor, all you need to do is make sure to have enough tap water on the side to help equalize the content on your stomach.

While this may have you taking frequent trips to the restroom, at least you’ll be able to forgo the pain of symptoms later.

However, if we’re talking about the best alcohol for acid reflux or GERD, Spirits may be your best bet. Gin, whiskey, tequila, rum, and vodka contain no sugar. They have high-alcohol content but do not stimulate the production of stomach acid.

It’s also pretty hard, but nonetheless not recommendable to drink in large amounts that put a lot of weight on your stomach. Depending on what they are mixed with, these may be your go-to alcohol drinks without triggering any kind of reflux.

Bottom Line

Alcohol consumption is very common for social events, and eliminating it 100% is very difficult.

Understanding the basics of why each alcoholic drink may trigger acid reflux symptoms will help you to choose the best options.

You may already know that drinking in moderation will be the best option since all alcoholic drinks will cause some sort of acid reflux.

Make sure to choose wisely and drink moderately, but most of all, listen to your body and see what works best for you.


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