How To Use Yoga Blocks

What Are Yoga Blocks?

Yoga blocks are one of many props for doing yoga. They come in different sizes, colors, and materials. The typical dimension of a yoga block is 4″ x 6″ x 9″.

Some yoga blocks also have rounded edges instead of sharp ones, making for better safety if you accidentally kick it while practicing.

If you are starting out with yoga, this article is for you since we will be covering the basics of how to use yoga blocks for beginners.

What Are Yoga Blocks For?

Blocks are used most commonly by beginners who need some extra height to achieve a certain pose.

For example, when doing downward dog, you can place them on your hands so the distance for the stretch is shorter and allows you to straighten up your back and keep your feet flat for good posture.

downward dog 1
Downward Dog

They’re most commonly used to support one’s body weight and provide a firm, flat surface for standing poses that would otherwise be difficult for beginners.

triangle pose
Triangle Pose

On the other hand, more advanced yogis can use them to increase the difficulty of a stretch.

Side Stretch
Side Stretch

What if you are practicing handstands but don’t have enough strength yet? You can use blocks for your shoulders.

Handstand 1

The beauty of yoga blocks is that you can use them at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels.

This means that if you decide to invest in yoga blocks, you will always be able to use them.

If you feel stuck trying to get at a certain pose and feel you are unable to do it, yoga blocks are an excellent alternative to help you reach your goal and overcome plateaus.

Best Exercises And Stretches For Beginners With Yoga Blocks

Blocks can be used to help with poses such as:

1. Cat to Cow

You can use blocks under your hands for support.

2. Downward Facing Dog (For Hamstring)

Increases the stretch but may be difficult if you don’t have a block.

For example, blocks make downward-facing dogs pose significantly more comfortably on the wrists.

Blocks also elevate your hands and feet, opening your shoulders and hips.

3. Half Forward Fold (For Spine)

Place block(s) against the wall; even if you can do this without props, doing so gives more space to allow your legs to extend straight back behind you.

4. Pigeon Pose (For Hips)

If it’s too complicated, try placing a block or two beneath legs, one under each.

How Can Yoga Blocks Help With Back Pain?

If you are currently having back pain when doing yoga, have you identified which type of movement is causing the pain?

Is it twisting movements?

Twisting Movement

Is it sitting poses?

Sitting Pose

Or could it be arching poses?

Arching Pose

Fortunately, in almost every type of pose you do, yoga blocks are here to help!

Listen to your body.

You just need to find the right posture to use it with. This way, some of the impacts from these poses don’t go directly into your back, decreasing strain and relieving some pressure.

Using blocks to support your feet during certain poses is also helpful for those with back problems because it reduces the strain that would go into the lower back from holding up the bodyweight, which takes the pressure off of that area and distributes it throughout other muscle groups like your legs and core.

How Can Yoga Blocks Help Doing Splits?

If you’re working on splits without using a wall or any other surfaces for support, then yoga blocks can help you get there by letting you stretch further.

Not only are yoga blocks helpful for stretches before doing splits, but they’re also good to use after because your muscles must stay stretched out.

Splits 1

Just make sure to be careful about how far you lean forward in a split with blocks since it’s easy to lose balance and fall over if you go too low.

You need to be able to trust yourself and your surroundings entirely for this reason, so practicing at home is recommended unless you’re under an instructor’s supervision.

Getting Started With Yoga Blocks

First, you will need to decide the basics. What color, material or size would you like.


The 3 most common are:

1. Foam

2. Cork

3. Wooden


The 3 most popular are:

  • 3″ x 6″ x 9″
  • 4″ x 6″ x 9″
  • 5″ x 6.75″ x 12″

The size will depend entirely on your height and your needs. If you have the chance, try them out before choosing a size.

Which poses to do?

The most important thing to look for is posture and pain.

If you are unable to do the right posture because you are not flexible enough, use the yoga block to progress.

If you have pain when doing a certain pose, add a yoga block for aid.

Once you get started, you’ll become an expert using yoga blocks in no time.

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